I know it is tempting to hear your sibling or friend talk about some great thing they are going to start doing, and you think “Yeah, I can do that too!” When setting a goal, it is VERY important to make sure it is your goal! Why? Because you are the one who must work toward it!
You are YOU! You know what you can accomplish and what you can’t. You know (or will find out) what works best for you and what doesn’t. Everyone is different! I know there have been way too many times in my life where I have heard someone else tell me about something great they are going to start, and I want to jump on board. I think, “Hey, if she can do it, so can I.” Then life happens… the kids need me, husband doesn’t get home till late, my schedule is completely different than the other person’s. I get stressed and fail… or I don’t even start because the passion isn’t there. That is what happens when you take on other people’s goals. If you want to make change in your life, it must be something YOU want to do, because it is important to YOU. This is where the passion and motivation are. Let’s work on creating a goal that is personal for YOU!
Why is this goal important to YOU? How will your life be better once you reach it?
Visualize yourself successfully reaching your goal. What are you doing differently in life? How will you feel once you have accomplished the goal? How has your world changed? What action steps do you need to take so that you reach your goal? What barriers can get in your way and how will you overcome them?
Write your goal down. Be very specific and focus on the results you want to work toward. Include specific action steps you will need to complete, as well as how you will know when you complete them. Break down large goals into smaller goals you can accomplish in 3 months or less. Make an inspiration board full of quotes and images. Post it in your home and on social media. Tell others!
Tracking your progress is how you will know you are being successful, or if you need to change things up. It also serves as motivation and personal inspiration to help you keep going! Physically check off your action steps as you reach them. Take pictures as you complete each part of the goal, post and share them for all to see. Set up rewards for yourself when you reach milestones related to your goal.
Positive reinforcement is a HUGE motivator. The more you can celebrate and highlight your successes and efforts, the more likely you will actually reach your goal. Celebrate each success, action step completed, and every time you pick up your goal after you lose your way. Allow yourself the opportunity to experience all joy related to your goal, remember your why and celebrate the journey! Each step you take is just as important as the result, celebrate it all.