Emotional health and physical health go hand in hand. Take a second to think about how you “feel” emotionally when you are physically sick, tired or hungry. Most people would say they feel down, sad, cranky, angry, defeated, quick temper or just want to hide and be left alone. Now, think about how you feel when you are well rested, have eaten healthy, good for you food and have been physically active? Most people would respond they feel better!
The top 3 ways to promote a healthy body and mind are getting enough sleep, eating well and being active.
People who do not get enough sleep tend to have less focus, memory loss, increase weight gain, risk of diabetes and heart problems, as well as increase of depression and substance use. See these quick and easy ideas from the National Sleep Foundation to get a better night sleep:
Food can greatly affect the way you feel physically and emotionally. If you are not sure about that, think about how you feel after you drink a cup of caffeinated coffee. Typically people feel more alert and outgoing.
Overall a good rule of thumb is moderation is key! If you are going to choose a high fat/high calorie option for super (Fried Chicken and French Fries) make sure you are eating healthier options earlier in the day as well choose a healthier option the next day (Baked chicken and green beans). Or what you can do is mix it up and have a salad with the fried chicken or a few French fries with baked chicken.
Most healthy options are eating more foods found in nature (vegetables, fruits, whole grains) and less foods created in laboratories (processed foods with added fats).
Working out helps your mind and your body! Getting up and moving everyday can clear your head as well as relax the tension in your body due to stress, anxiety or depression. People hold most of their stress in their muscles, so by stretching and moving your muscles you are releasing stress. Exercise also helps your heart and lungs work to circulate fresh oxygen and blood throughout the body so your body and brain can function properly.